Sunday 22 May 2011

Streets of Malaysia (2)

Ever heard of Jonker Street(Jalan Hang Jebat) ? If you haven't heard of it then its the right time because im going to talk about Jonker Street . I've only been there once with my family and relatives . Even though i've only been there once but it left an amazing impression on me . So what did Jonker street amaze me ?

If you asked any local to introduce you to a interesting place in Melaka, they will not miss out Jonker Street. Jonker street is a historical place which houses old dwellings and houses which brings you back to the 17th century , it can also be called as antique street. Most of the antiques from Jonker Street are artifacts from different periods of ruling in the past such as Portuguese , Dutch  and British . If you're a person who loves antiques , this is one of the famous places you can visit. You can easily hunt antique at a very reasonable pricing and they're still negotiable.Antiques such as chinese porcelain, brassware, cast iron beds, lamps, coins and money notes, as well as the priceless Buddha statues are also sold there.

The Melaka State Government have made an exception for every Fridays evening , Saturdays evening and also Sundays evening,6pm-12pm, traders are given the chance to open stalls and display products along the pedestrian street of Jonker Walk. One of the reason why tourist often come at this hour are because of antique copper coins, local and ethnic traditional food, unique arts and crafts, souvenirs, ornamental jewelry,and wooden clogs. If you're looking for wooden clogs crafting i would recommend a shop name Purple Flower Handicraft , they sell nice wooden clogs.

Jonker Street is not only famous its antiques buildings and cultural attractions . Jonker Street is also well known for its delicious food and local delicacies too . There are numerous number of shops and cafes which sells wide variety of tasty food and drinks . Geographer Cafe is located in the middle of the street which is well known among tourist and locals for its happening live bands on Friday night and weekend nights. If you're looking for Baba Nyonya delicacies then head over a shop diagonally opposite Geographer Cafe which is called Jonker Dessert . The delicacies there are nothing like what i've tasted before , a thumbs up i will give to this shop .

Saturday 21 May 2011

Streets of malaysia (1)

When i was given this topic i seriously have no clue on what to write on. But after i've been to petaling street , i think that this is one place that shouldn't be missed by any tourist or even locals .Petaling street also known as china town is located at the capital of Malaysia , Kuala Lumpur.

Why do i say that this is a street/place which shouldn't be missed by anyone ? This place can be also known as a shopper's heaven. Unlike those glamorous shopping complexes , This is a well known shopping place which offers cheap things. Petaling street is a place which turns lively at night due to hundred over stall being set up to sell stuff at dirt cheap prices . It also can be said to be one of the most happening streets during the night in Malaysia.

 Petaling street is known as a shopper's heaven because it's a street full of shops and stalls selling goods at an extremely low price . Ever thought of having branded equipments and not hurting your tight budget? Petaling street is here for you ! Literally the whole streets are selling pirated branded clothes, handbags ,watches and many more . You can have Louis Vuitton handbangs or Rolex watches at the price of only below RM 50 ! It's a place for shoppers with tight budget , you can have your "branded" stuff over here .

Not only that , Petaling street is also a food and drink galore. One of the good thing for tourist is which they can have the opportunity to try out ALMOST ALL our local cuisine such as Asam Laksa, Curry Mee, Hokkien Mee, Roti Canai , Pisang Goreng etc.There are chinese and seafood restaurants at every corner and also stalls which sells all kinds of food and snacks . The aroma of those Malaysia delicacy is filled in the air which makes it so hard to resist .

Besides, one of the best advantages you can get from Petaling street are being able to bargain. Goods sold at such a cheap price can be negotiate to even cheaper . The things at petaling streets are normally 15% to 30% higher than the factory's actual price . If your bargaining skills are well honored , you can cut down their profit by 10% or 20% . Try to keep bargaining at a certain price you are comfortable with , since price are set higher to earn profit from foreigners.

Sunday 1 May 2011

What are the difference between a human and an animal ? Humans are also animals , it's just that they are classified as the smartest animal on earth.Yes , human may be smart but they also use their intellect in a wrong way . On the other hand, animals aren't as smart as humans but they're still a living thing , animals got heart beats inside them . Animals have feelings, they also feel the pain as us when being tortured and they have a mind of their own too .So why are humans so cruel and heartless to an extend of abusing them ?! I JUST DONT GET IT.

Animal such as dog , cats and parrots are the common pets raised by humans . Dogs are known as 'Man's best friend' , dogs are very loyal to those who raised them . Not only that , dogs will also accompany their owner when they're down . In my opinion, dogs are counted as a member of a family . Do you know how happy are they when the owner reaches home after a whole day's work ? They will just go to you and greet in you in joy , how awesome is that !

Let me tell you a story about what i encountered when i was young . This goes back to long ago when i'm still living at Paramount . A neighbor of mine , just few houses away if im not mistaken . Back then they were using those rope lines to hang clothes in the sun for drying .What he did was tied his cat to something and left him on those rope lines for few hours everyday . I seriously dont know if he was trying to train him to do some tricks or what but its too cruel for a cat .

How is it possible for a cat to sit on ropes for hours ? What is worse is that when the cat jump down to the ground for break , the length of the string was just barely enough !! The cat wasnt able to move but just to sit under the pole which the cat was tied to , it's only option was to climb back up or stay in that position . BRAINS WEH BRAINS!!I seriously dont understand where he put his brains or might not be even using it , i mean how can you do such thing to a cat . Lucky after 2 days some 'HERO' called the police and took him for questioning i was really glad that at least someone is doing something to help this innocent cat .

I know i know...i just watch and i dint do anything . Because at the time i was really young and dint understand much about animal abusing or should i say wasnt aware and my parents are out to work till night so i dint have anyone to ask . But it's a different case now , if i ever see a person doing such things to an animal ....i will definitely call the police and at least give him a punch on the face .

Now im glad to know that so many other people or organizations are helping those homeless animals , sponsor things to help them also giving medical support . Organizations such as People for the Ethical Treatment of Animal (PETA) or Society of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) helped so much animals .

To people out there, please be aware about these things happening around you, dont just ignore them as if nothing happened THIS IS A SERIOUS MATTER .Give a helping hand for those innocent animals which are harmed by scumbags, reporting them to the police will be the easiest but most effective way . And also to those shameless and heartless people , FUCK YOU ! ( sorry for my vulgarity , just couldn't help it )