Thursday 28 April 2011

The topic given this week is very sad to write on . It's called animal rights , when you heard about the word 'Animal rights' what is the first thing that comes into mind ? Torture , abusing , used as test subjects and some might be even killed for parts of their body . These kinds of stuff is too common so much so that when you heard about animal rights ,the mind set of these idiotic act comes to you right away. :(

One of the most tragic way is POACHING also known as illegal hunting You know there is a certain season, hour , restricted land for huntings? Yet people still ignore and hunt them for money?Even if it is for a living... you still cant be such an ass , there are so many ways to earn money , its just that you're lazy to look for them .Some of these animals are almost extinct such as snow leopard , tapir, bold eagle , komodo dragon , great auk and many more that people already forgot their existence . There is a reason why people want to protect animals like this and hunters still ignoring it and killing them .

Not only that, but some hunters also use the wrong bait or weapons to catch them which will cause those animal to be hurt and suffering in pain. Weapons such as spotlight stunner , stun darts , blowpipe , poison arrow, sharpened blades.These hunters are pretty much heartless and cruel .They go to the shore just to pick large seashells alive and killing the animal inside , after that selling in those tourist areas for money

.Also , i pity those animal decorations , it's so sad to see animal head on the wall of some people's house and also the furs that rich people buy and wear them just for showing off . Stop buying stuff like that lar please , you guys are the main source of these act . Some even use them to make tradisional medicine .Do you know that hunters take flesh and parts of endangered species such as seahorse , rhinoceros horn , tiger bones , tiger claw , tiger eyes and also tiger penis( alot belive that it can improve virility) to make medicine ?SAD RIGHT?!?!

I remember when i was young , i always wanted a pet dog . My mom tested me by letting me have pets like gold fish and tortoise . Even though i took care of them well as in feeding them , washing the pond , cleaning the tank for the fish but my mom still disapprove and said i was not ready for a dog . I was very naive and dint understand what she really meant and got angry , stupid me . All i did last time was taking care of them on the surface but not wholeheartedly . Those feeding , washing , cleaning things have to be reminded by my parents and not wanting to do it myself but i understand now , thanks mom for not letting me have a dog last time'll just hurt another living thing . BUT I STILL WANT ONE SO BADLY NOW :(

Sunday 24 April 2011

Ever wondered where can you and your friends hang out to chat freely and catch up while feeling comfortable ? It's a place which you can only find in Malaysia and can't be found abroad .Are you starting to get the picture ? YES it is.....

Some of you may think 'What's so special about mamak?' You know larr mamak is the only place which u can learn how to toss a roti canai :P . It's a place where friends , family and all races gather together to chit-chat. Why is mamak being favored by everyone ? Mamak is a place which opens 24hours a day and 7 days a week ! What will you do if you're feel hungry in the middle of the night and dont feel like cooking ?You can head over to the nearest mamak to chill and eat at the same time . Not only that , but mamak offers low price and tasty food .Left with rm2? hungry ? frustrated? lost? hopeless? tired? jobless? fear not ! the mamak is there for you !

Alot of you asked me why i always go mamak at night and not get bored of it , well here's the answer . Mamak stalls usually comes alive at night because it's suitable for social gathering . Youngsters nowadays being the night owl that they are ,enjoy hanging out with friends to talk about recent happenings and also gossiping . Why is mamak usually the only place suitable to catch up with friends ?To us youngsters, going to mamak rather than normal restaurants will suit us more as we have a tight budget to follow :( .  Besides, mamak is also a relaxing place because the mood in the mamak is lively so you will feel nice chatting there .

The crowd is just awesome ! (Source:
Also, Mamak stalls represents our Malaysian culture , one that demonstrates fact the cities like Kuala Lumpur , never really goes to sleep. Since mamak offers the facilities of a large screen television or large projector screen for viewing pleasure ,watching sports event in the mamak is definitely more enjoyable than compared to watching at home . The atmosphere there is totally different due to the amount of crowd present and the cheering of the crowd when something happens in the game such as a goal for a football game.

Friday 22 April 2011

Today i'm gonna write about...

   Source :

Penang! <3 I bet everyone also heard of penang , right ? Penang is a small island but definitely with a big reputation . It is filled with interesting and eclectic mix cultural ,historical and natural attractions , not forgetting the food there is awesome too !

In penang, they offer plenty of sightseeing opportunities such as Penang Hill - it is 821 meters above sea level which makes this place very cozy . There is a funicular train that take you to the top of Penang Hill in 30 mints , there's a restaurant , a Hindu temple, a church, a mosque and a snake show where you can take photos with a tame python for...forgotten the price :P

(Source :

Other than that, another famous tourist attraction is the Kek Lok Si Temple . It is the largest Buddhist temple ever built in Malaysia . This enormous temple is divided into three main sections . The temple ground compromise the hill entrance , drinks, stalls, and also a turtle liberation pond . Temples , gardens, a pagoda and the four heavenly kings pavilion is stored in the middle section of the temple . Not forgetting the top floor host a huge statue of The Goddess of Mercy, KuanYin as well as gardens and temples .  

Astonishing, no?
(Source: Google)

 Ok larrr , enough of famous places . Now let's talk about what most of the people look forward to... the bitches beaches . One of the famous beach is placed at Tanjung Bungah literally means 'Flower Cape' .Tanjung Bungah is a seaside suburb located between two major tourist destination which is Gurney and Batu Ferringhi .Due to its ideal location , it makes Tanjung Bungah popular for its convenient and economical spots for visitors.Not only that but , water sports activities are the most popular in Tanjung Bungah with the Penang  Water Sports Centre based here.
Form 5 trip with friends :)   

Besides that, we still have Batu Ferringhi ! Battu Ferringhi is the second most famous hotspot in Penang after George Town ,  it's filled with a long stretch soft white sandy beach along the road named Jalan Batu Ferringhi. The night market is superbly awesome while the water sports activities are fun such as parasailing , windsurfing, parachuting , canoeing,sailing , horse riding etc etc . 

(Source :

One of the amazing thing in Penang which u cant find in KL is the FOOOOOODDDD!! If you're looking for a destination which offers good food then Penang is the right place . Those good food in Penang are usually not found in topnotch restaurants but found in hawker stores , strange eh ? These shops are usually not air-conditioned but wide open doors ,there are numerous hawkers stores all over the town and some of the best hawker food are in these shops . After trying many different places , i still think the best place is at Gurney Drive hawker centre . Famous dishes such as Mee Jawa, Laksa,Char Kuey Teow , Kuey Teow Theng , Prawn Mee , Fried Oyster and many more can be found there .

(Source of picture above is :

Okay thats it for the first post ! Hope u guys like it :) Oh yeahhh and one more thing, look how much food i and my friends ate the last time we went there ! Definitely a trip worth going . Bye bye :P

Sunday 17 April 2011

College life(post 2)

Fundamental in Management lecture ended early on thursday so my friends and i planned to walk around the school and take some photo for our blog and here it is !

Well friends, I present to you.... pictures! I know we're all gonna use the same pictures for our blogging ! :p ( more or less the same lah ) 

My awesome lunch break gang or should i say families !

Damn sad lor , a weakling getting bullied by 3 gangsters :(

      Course mates which are fun to hang out with :P
       -Credits to Faiz Azman for all these photos, they will make a good memory to remember in the future.-

Procrastination kills. Really! I'm not lying! You see, I was supposed to do a presentation to introduce myself in a creative way. Initially the time given was more than enough to complete the task given but after many times of "Aiyah, later only do lah!" , "Tomorrow lahhh!" , "Hmmm....must finish by tonight!" Also,  going out having 'Teh Tarik session' with my friends till late night/early morning and so, the presentation turned into a nightmare for me.But presentation was okay though, love the QnA section which pulls me closer to others and makes me feel that i'm in the right place . Also , not to forget about my first assignment for Creative Comm and Portfolio Development (CCPD) which is blog writing . In case you guys don't know , what you are reading now is my first assignment i did so far . We're ought do two post per week with different themes, the theme this week is about 'College Life' that's why i'm writing about my experience i had up to now . I took a really long time just to finish these 2 post which is not hard at all , guess last minute work never comes out nice :/
So far i'm not involve in any clubs or curricular activities YET . But i already have some plans in my mind regarding what to join . Many of my friends are in the music club and i look forward to joining the club as well .I'm actually particularly interested in playing the piano although all i can do now is just randomly mash the piano keys and create sound pollution =.=  . Another reason why i'm interested in learning to play the piano is because i've got a piano at home and i wish to cause more sound pollution put it to good use xD.As for sports  aspect , i want to join the badminton club because it's the only sport which i favor. Lets go play badmintonnnn. Yeayyyyyy ~ 

I think... i'll stop for now since there's really nothing much left for me to write. If i keep going on and on and on and on i think i'll be repeating the same thing over and over and over and over and again and again, and again. See ?! So...for now, BAI !

Don't forget to check back for fresh updates daily ! ok maybe not daily. But at least twice a week lor. Good enough for a starter la =p 

And and and and, don't forget to...



Saturday 16 April 2011

College life (post 1)

This is my first time blogging about something ever since i was born , so bear with me . Two weeks passed so fast as if it only happened yesterday and now i'm already a college student, bye bye to high school ! Proud to call myself a TAYLORIAN! :D

The first week of school was rather scary to me cause I'm moving to a totally new environment and being alone makes me feel kinda uneasy. Luck must've been on my side for me to have met several old friends from my high school study period. My heart was put at ease the moment i met someone i've already known. Feels good yo :p. But sadly, we had to part ways due to us attending different courses each. Actually, what really worries me most is not being able to make any friends in my course =\ You know...eating alone in the canteen is one of the most miserable thing so i tried my best to mix around with people *=D* Well, glad to say that those people are really friendly and fun to mix with . Oh yeah , Orientation Party * party and party and YEAH !* :p One of my new friend (Eli......errr) actually dragged invited me there. Was planning to sleep but but... no choice since i'm such a kind person so i went anyway xD Never regretted going though. It was fun ! breathtaking ! exciting ! amazing ! amusing ! excellent ! Performances were great. Met new friends.

The second week of school was really fun! I've been looking forward to returning to college ever since the first week ended. For the past three months, I've been doing nothing, nothing and absolutely nothing at home. Zero accomplishment I'd say. Had my first class on Monday 8.00 a.m. but it appeared that it wasn't a good start after all. To begin with, I woke up late. And to make matters worse, my dad drove me to school through the wrong way, so I ended up walking to college. I ran with all my strength and as fast as my feet could carry me and thank god ( or myself? :P ) I arrived in time.Made a mental note to myself so as not to let small things affect my day, so it all ended well for me. Thank god ( once again ) I was able to make some friends and didn't have to eat my lunch alone miserably. YAY! So far I've only met a few lecturers but I'm guessing all the lecturers are nice and friendly. Haven't met Dr. Benedict ( my CCPD lecturer ) yet so far though, but I'm pretty sure he's a nice and cool guy too. To be completely frank, one of the lecturers appeared pretty strict, fierce and grumpy to me the first but after some time attending to her class , she's actually understanding and nice if we behave, and her ways of teaching is a little bit different.

Okay that's all for my first post , i know it may be bad or suckish now but i will try to improve as time goes by , do correct me if i'm bad at certain places . Hope you guys enjoy reading it , i think it's kinda fun blogging :P . Its 2.40 now , really tired already and i need to fetch my father to KLIA/LCCT tomorrow morning . Special thanks to those who taught me how to blog and also those who helped me ! <3

Don't forget to check back once in a while! Or even better daily =D Do follow me on blogger and I'll follow you too!