Sunday 17 April 2011

College life(post 2)

Fundamental in Management lecture ended early on thursday so my friends and i planned to walk around the school and take some photo for our blog and here it is !

Well friends, I present to you.... pictures! I know we're all gonna use the same pictures for our blogging ! :p ( more or less the same lah ) 

My awesome lunch break gang or should i say families !

Damn sad lor , a weakling getting bullied by 3 gangsters :(

      Course mates which are fun to hang out with :P
       -Credits to Faiz Azman for all these photos, they will make a good memory to remember in the future.-

Procrastination kills. Really! I'm not lying! You see, I was supposed to do a presentation to introduce myself in a creative way. Initially the time given was more than enough to complete the task given but after many times of "Aiyah, later only do lah!" , "Tomorrow lahhh!" , "Hmmm....must finish by tonight!" Also,  going out having 'Teh Tarik session' with my friends till late night/early morning and so, the presentation turned into a nightmare for me.But presentation was okay though, love the QnA section which pulls me closer to others and makes me feel that i'm in the right place . Also , not to forget about my first assignment for Creative Comm and Portfolio Development (CCPD) which is blog writing . In case you guys don't know , what you are reading now is my first assignment i did so far . We're ought do two post per week with different themes, the theme this week is about 'College Life' that's why i'm writing about my experience i had up to now . I took a really long time just to finish these 2 post which is not hard at all , guess last minute work never comes out nice :/
So far i'm not involve in any clubs or curricular activities YET . But i already have some plans in my mind regarding what to join . Many of my friends are in the music club and i look forward to joining the club as well .I'm actually particularly interested in playing the piano although all i can do now is just randomly mash the piano keys and create sound pollution =.=  . Another reason why i'm interested in learning to play the piano is because i've got a piano at home and i wish to cause more sound pollution put it to good use xD.As for sports  aspect , i want to join the badminton club because it's the only sport which i favor. Lets go play badmintonnnn. Yeayyyyyy ~ 

I think... i'll stop for now since there's really nothing much left for me to write. If i keep going on and on and on and on i think i'll be repeating the same thing over and over and over and over and again and again, and again. See ?! So...for now, BAI !

Don't forget to check back for fresh updates daily ! ok maybe not daily. But at least twice a week lor. Good enough for a starter la =p 

And and and and, don't forget to...



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