Saturday 16 April 2011

College life (post 1)

This is my first time blogging about something ever since i was born , so bear with me . Two weeks passed so fast as if it only happened yesterday and now i'm already a college student, bye bye to high school ! Proud to call myself a TAYLORIAN! :D

The first week of school was rather scary to me cause I'm moving to a totally new environment and being alone makes me feel kinda uneasy. Luck must've been on my side for me to have met several old friends from my high school study period. My heart was put at ease the moment i met someone i've already known. Feels good yo :p. But sadly, we had to part ways due to us attending different courses each. Actually, what really worries me most is not being able to make any friends in my course =\ You know...eating alone in the canteen is one of the most miserable thing so i tried my best to mix around with people *=D* Well, glad to say that those people are really friendly and fun to mix with . Oh yeah , Orientation Party * party and party and YEAH !* :p One of my new friend (Eli......errr) actually dragged invited me there. Was planning to sleep but but... no choice since i'm such a kind person so i went anyway xD Never regretted going though. It was fun ! breathtaking ! exciting ! amazing ! amusing ! excellent ! Performances were great. Met new friends.

The second week of school was really fun! I've been looking forward to returning to college ever since the first week ended. For the past three months, I've been doing nothing, nothing and absolutely nothing at home. Zero accomplishment I'd say. Had my first class on Monday 8.00 a.m. but it appeared that it wasn't a good start after all. To begin with, I woke up late. And to make matters worse, my dad drove me to school through the wrong way, so I ended up walking to college. I ran with all my strength and as fast as my feet could carry me and thank god ( or myself? :P ) I arrived in time.Made a mental note to myself so as not to let small things affect my day, so it all ended well for me. Thank god ( once again ) I was able to make some friends and didn't have to eat my lunch alone miserably. YAY! So far I've only met a few lecturers but I'm guessing all the lecturers are nice and friendly. Haven't met Dr. Benedict ( my CCPD lecturer ) yet so far though, but I'm pretty sure he's a nice and cool guy too. To be completely frank, one of the lecturers appeared pretty strict, fierce and grumpy to me the first but after some time attending to her class , she's actually understanding and nice if we behave, and her ways of teaching is a little bit different.

Okay that's all for my first post , i know it may be bad or suckish now but i will try to improve as time goes by , do correct me if i'm bad at certain places . Hope you guys enjoy reading it , i think it's kinda fun blogging :P . Its 2.40 now , really tired already and i need to fetch my father to KLIA/LCCT tomorrow morning . Special thanks to those who taught me how to blog and also those who helped me ! <3

Don't forget to check back once in a while! Or even better daily =D Do follow me on blogger and I'll follow you too!

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