Thursday 28 April 2011

The topic given this week is very sad to write on . It's called animal rights , when you heard about the word 'Animal rights' what is the first thing that comes into mind ? Torture , abusing , used as test subjects and some might be even killed for parts of their body . These kinds of stuff is too common so much so that when you heard about animal rights ,the mind set of these idiotic act comes to you right away. :(

One of the most tragic way is POACHING also known as illegal hunting You know there is a certain season, hour , restricted land for huntings? Yet people still ignore and hunt them for money?Even if it is for a living... you still cant be such an ass , there are so many ways to earn money , its just that you're lazy to look for them .Some of these animals are almost extinct such as snow leopard , tapir, bold eagle , komodo dragon , great auk and many more that people already forgot their existence . There is a reason why people want to protect animals like this and hunters still ignoring it and killing them .

Not only that, but some hunters also use the wrong bait or weapons to catch them which will cause those animal to be hurt and suffering in pain. Weapons such as spotlight stunner , stun darts , blowpipe , poison arrow, sharpened blades.These hunters are pretty much heartless and cruel .They go to the shore just to pick large seashells alive and killing the animal inside , after that selling in those tourist areas for money

.Also , i pity those animal decorations , it's so sad to see animal head on the wall of some people's house and also the furs that rich people buy and wear them just for showing off . Stop buying stuff like that lar please , you guys are the main source of these act . Some even use them to make tradisional medicine .Do you know that hunters take flesh and parts of endangered species such as seahorse , rhinoceros horn , tiger bones , tiger claw , tiger eyes and also tiger penis( alot belive that it can improve virility) to make medicine ?SAD RIGHT?!?!

I remember when i was young , i always wanted a pet dog . My mom tested me by letting me have pets like gold fish and tortoise . Even though i took care of them well as in feeding them , washing the pond , cleaning the tank for the fish but my mom still disapprove and said i was not ready for a dog . I was very naive and dint understand what she really meant and got angry , stupid me . All i did last time was taking care of them on the surface but not wholeheartedly . Those feeding , washing , cleaning things have to be reminded by my parents and not wanting to do it myself but i understand now , thanks mom for not letting me have a dog last time'll just hurt another living thing . BUT I STILL WANT ONE SO BADLY NOW :(

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